Posani Krishna Murali’s ‘Nithya Pellikoduku’ – ‘C/o Jagadamba Center’ was released on November 6th in Hyderabad. Producer Natti Kumar released the audio CDs and presented its first copy to Shivaji. Other prominent guests include Kavita, Babu Mohan, Soma Vijay Prakash, Deepika Raju and Bharathi Babu. Music is provided by Gantadi Krishna and the audio was released through Supreme Music company. In the direction of Alahari, the film is produced by G V Subbayya with Gauri Pandit as heroine opposite Posani.
Later while addressing the gathering director Alahari said, “My efforts are to direct a good film and sustain as a good director in the film industry. Ghantadi Krishna provided aptly suitable music. We are planning to release the film in this month only.”
Later while addressing the gathering director Alahari said, “My efforts are to direct a good film and sustain as a good director in the film industry. Ghantadi Krishna provided aptly suitable music. We are planning to release the film in this month only.”