NTR’s ongoing flick ‘Shakti’ unit is all set to tour North India from July 11th for its next shooting schedule. Being directed by Mehar Ramesh, the shooting will initially take place at Ladakh followed by Jammu & Kashmir, Haridwar and Rishikesh. Producer Aswini Dutt informed the media that a few important scenes involving NTR, Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood and Pooja Bedi were shot at Egypt recently. Musical scores are rendered by Mani Sharma and cinematography is by Sameer Reddy. Ileana is playing NTR's lady love. While the story is penned by JK Bharavi, Yandamuri Veerendranath has assisted him. The makers are pretty confident about the film’s grand success.
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‘Shakti’ unit heading to North India from July 11th
Posted by rams
on Monday, July 12, 2010
Aswini Dutt,
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Jackie Shroff,
Jr. NTR,
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Mani Sharma,
mehar ramesh,
Shakti Movie Details,
Sonu Sood and Pooja Bedi
Aswini Dutt,
film news,
Jackie Shroff,
Jr. NTR,
latest news,
Mani Sharma,
mehar ramesh,
Shakti Movie Details,
Sonu Sood and Pooja Bedi