Both Ram Gopal Varma and Suriya addressed the media channels on this film this morning at Hotel Taj in Chennai. Turning lights on this film Surya said, “The reason why we planned to make this film simultaneously in Tamil was for the reason that it has all the elements suitable for the region. It has action, emotions and more drama to attract the audiences. This film is not about only me, but every character appearing even for 5 minutes will add more intensity to this film.”
The film has a gripping song on ‘Raktha’ (Blood) penned by Na. Muthukumar and Mani Sharma has scored music.
The film is about 15 years journey of a man’s vengeance reloaded against a Kingpin gangster turned politician.
Vivek Oberoi plays the role of Parithala Ravi and Suriya as Suri with Priyamani as his wife. The film will hit screens simultaneously in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu in August 2010.