'Maryada Ramanna', directed by SS Rajamouli,and Comedian Sunil As a hero went on the floors recently and continued shooting as per the schedule for two days. However, the ongoing tension in the Telangana region made the producers to wrap up the schedule and restart it later. It is learnt that Arka Media Works, the producers, are planning to restart it from the 28th of this month, if everything goes well as planned.
The film stars Saloni as Sunil's romantic pair. Rajamouli has been planning to make it into an important film for comedian Sunil, who has Andala Ramudu as the hero in his kitty. That the ace director is keen to make Sunil a star is amazing.It went on the floors without making much fuss. Unfortunately, following many incidents of attacks on film units in the city, it had to be shelved.
Even from the 28th, when the producers are planning to restart, the situation will not be better is what any observer can say.It is learnt that the fear has stuck them too. With Monday being the Muharram day, the Joint Action Committee called for an indefinite bandh from the 29th.
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