Around 150 Crores of rupees are going to be stake at Box-office in August. For the first time this year, Tollywood is to witness big flow of biggies within short gap next month. Starting with Magadheera, all the biggies Vikram’s Mallanna, Naga Chaitanya’s debut flick Josh, Ravi Teja’s Anjaneyulu and Gopichands’s Shankam are going to hit the market in the next 40 days.
Ram Charan Teja and Rajamouli’s magnum opus Magadheera is all set to release either on July 22nd or July 29th. After this big release, the much-awaited Vikram’s film, Mallanna is going to hit the marquee. The movie is planning for August 7th release. A week later, Naga Chaitanya’s Josh (tentative release date is on August 12th but has chances of postponement too) is planning for grand release. Then comes Ravi Teja and Nayanatara’s Anjaneyulu which is due for August 3rd week.
On the other hand, Ram Gopal Varma’s Adavi is also hitting on August 7th.
Although it is unlikely that Gopichand’s Shankam make it to the theatres in August itself, the film is readying up for late August or early September release. All in all, it is going to be film festival for Telugu film lovers in the next few days.